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The guardians of Grace is a group of cosmic travelers  with a mission to guard all earthlings from the chains and shackles of legalism, condemnation and human driven lives. These are the three most invasive viruses infiltrating the church in our time. And we feel like guardians of Grace exist for such a time as this.

ABOUT THE SHOW:  Guardians of Grace exists to guard “The Grace of God  against legalism. Terms like “greasy grace”  “hyper grace” and “sloppy agape” do not alarm us but terms like “balancing law and grace” will be addressed by the Grace Guard Dogs Steve Lenart and Bill Waddell with the uncompromised Gospel of Grace. We don’t take ourselves to serious but we are uncompromising in out efforts to root out legalism from the Gospel of Grace! As The Apostle Paul said “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” Gal.5:9



Steve Lenart: As a young Christian I felt that I was not understanding the Bible in the way I should. I went from Church to church looking for someone that I felt understood the Bible. I listen to so many preachers preach from the Bible.  I always came away with the same feeling. I felt as though I was not gonna learn the Bible from the person I was listening to. For years I went to church after church after church. Always the same conclusion. I finally met a person  that taught the Bible in a way that made sense. Although I couldn't always understand exactly what he was saying I could tell he was teaching spiritual thoughts expressed in spiritual words. Most of the time he was actually using Scriptures as he conversationally  made his points. He was literally joining phrases out of Scripture verses to make thoughts with. He would always pray over me the prayers in the Ephesians for a Spirit of wisdom in revelation. I believe in my case those prayers were answered because the Scriptures begin to unveil themselves. Scriptures began to tie in with other scriptures to make fantastic truths of the Bible. I became addicted to these revelations that the Scriptures were showing me. And I found myself studying the Bible day and night for years. I became so familiar with the scriptures that I begin to talk in scriptures. I began to see that the scriptures of the Old Testament we're all pointing to a day that God would make a new covenant. And that the new covenant taught a way of life in Christ Jesus everywhere in every church of the Bible. All of this happened about 35 years ago and for 35 years I've been trying to teach what the Bible has taught me with anyone and everyone. This is why I had to start the Guardians of Grace podcast and community. 

Bill Waddell: My name is Bill Waddell and I grew up in south Florida living life and enjoying the the three F’s (friends family fishing). In 1986 a friend who loves fishing lured me to church where I became part of the family of God. After about five years, the same friend introduced me to a Bible study where  the two of us became addicted to learning about the grace of God now the same  “Guard Dog Steve” and my self through our “Guardians of Grace” podcast actively pursue the goal of spreading the gospel of grace and the  revelation of Jesus Christ Himself as our life to anyone that will hear it. Day and night it is our passion. 

TO LEARN MORE ABOUT STEVE AND BILL: Visit their website Guarding Grace

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