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How God Helps Us Overcome Our Worldly Goofs

ABOUT THE SHOW:  Coming from a very small-town all-American childhood in Upstate New York, Dave had never been to Sunday School, or church, and never held a Bible in his hand. Jesus was a swearword and wasn't even a real, historical, or even relevant person. When Dave was selected as an exchange student to go to Cape Town, South Africa, he had no idea that God was setting him up to hear about Jesus for the first time ever. Dave met Jesus at a youth camp in a remote area north of Cape Town, and his life was turned upside-down. Dave became a successful, high-profile baseball player  who suddenly became the All Star, American, Christian Baseball Player whose story thousands of teens and young adults wanted to hear. This happened during the early 1970s era of the "Jesus Revolution," when the wave of the Gospel message of Jesus was washing over generations old and new in radical ways, spanning families, communities, countries, and continents. Both churched and unchurched faced massive changes on social and cultural fronts where conservative, Orthodox, and institutional church life was swamped with new expressions of spiritual life and experiences.


Jesus invaded our histories! He rocked our worlds! He changed our destinies and reason for living! Because Dave's story seemed to resonate so widely, he was encouraged to write it down. He wrote the book Guidance, Goofs, and Grace because it describes not only his own spiritual journey but also the Jesus Movement — when so many young people, institutional ministers, lay preachers, and youth leaders alike — participated in the exciting impact of working to spread the Gospel in South Africa. It was a countercultural spiritual awakening of individuals to God through the Spirit in transformed lives, miracles, healings, and deliverance of the whole person. It's the same message that began in the early church and rings even more true today. This show is about those experiences, those messages, and those transformations.

ABOUT THE HOST: David Lutes is an American-British dual national and retired ‘ordained’ minister/pastor in three countries. He is a former adviser to NATO on military downsizing and re-skilling of 100k officers and family members in the post-Soviet Union era. He has more than 30 years of international experience in 40+ countries as a consultant and at a senior strategic executive, middle management, and operational level with several global Fortune 125/250/500 companies. He is a former Global Program Director for MA-level development of leaders from 45 countries with the Christian Charity and Humanitarian Agency, World Vision International. He is now an Organizational Development, Talent Management, and Training, Consultant, Master Trainer, and Executive Coach, and well-known conference speaker and a published author. He shares widely on business ethics and values impactful HR and truly investing in people.

TO LEARN MORE ABOUT DAVID LUTES: Check out Dave's book "Guidance, Goofs, & Grace" on Amazon. To get in touch with Dave directly, you can email him here.

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this program are not necessarily those of Conviction Radio, or our sponsors and commercial advertisers.



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